
My daughter is 3 years old and has just started kindergarten. Recently, she has been experiencing some pain in her ears, and occasionally, yellow fluid has been discharged from her ear in the morning. She also has a headache and a fever. How should I treat my child’s ear infection with yellow discharge?


If a child has an ear infection, it’s first recommended to use symptomatic antibiotic medications. In addition to systemic treatment, regional therapy can also be administered using anti-inflammatory ear drops. When the child experiences severe ear pain, painkillers can be used in moderation. Some children may also have a fever, and in such cases, oral fever-reducing medication can be administered. If symptoms persist, it’s essential to seek medical attention. These are common treatment methods, but if the child shows signs of perforated eardrum, immediate hospital surgery is required. After the condition improves, it’s advisable to engage the child in moderate exercise to boost immunity and prevent recurrence.