
My 5-year-old daughter has recently been suffering from a sore throat, severe cough, and a fever. After being diagnosed with tonsillitis, what types of food should I feed her during her treatment to help her recover?


When a child is suffering from tonsillitis, in addition to seeking immediate medical treatment, parents should also pay attention to their child’s diet. It is recommended to feed them plenty of vegetables and fruits, as many fruits have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, and are rich in vitamins that help boost the immune system and fight off diseases. Recommended fruits include pears, watermelons, tangerines, and pomegranates. For vegetables, green leafy vegetables and tomatoes are also good choices. Additionally, it is best to choose soft and easy-to-swallow staple foods such as porridge and noodles to avoid affecting swallowing or causing constipation, which could worsen the condition. At the same time, it is important to reduce the intake of irritants such as poultry eggs, donkey meat, and beef and mutton. Moreover, helping children develop good living habits is crucial; this includes not only a healthy diet but also ensuring they get enough sleep and exercise regularly.