
I often have nosebleeds upon waking up in the morning, and the amount is not much. I would like to know which hospital in Xi’an has effective treatment for this condition.


Hello, the causes or factors of nosebleeds can generally be categorized into two types: Firstly – Nasal mucosal abrasion, which is the most common cause or factor leading to nosebleeds and also the main cause of habitual nosebleeds. This is because at the front part of the nasal septum, there are three small blood vessels that intersect. These three blood vessels are extremely fragile and are located very superficially beneath the skin. Although the vessels are small, if they are accidentally scratched, fresh blood will continuously flow out. Secondly – Inflammation of nasal granulomas. Once the granulomas become inflamed, nasal polyps will swell up and cause severe pain. Chronic sinusitis can also lead to purulent bleeding if it is severe. It is recommended that you go to the hospital to determine the cause or factor and receive targeted treatment.