
Dear Baby, currently 2 years old, this week, the child’s ear has been a bit painful. I noticed that there is yellow earwax coming out. Additionally, the child seems to have little appetite and is rather weak. How should I treat my child’s otitis media if there is yellow ear discharge?


Firstly, parents can give the child some symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication to treat pediatric otitis media. They can also perform a bacterial culture of the ear secretions and use anti-inflammatory ear drops based on the results of the examination. If the symptoms are primarily ear pain, consider giving some painkillers. If the child is also experiencing severe fever, then some fever-reducing medication should be used appropriately. In severe cases, medical attention should be sought as soon as possible. The above methods are currently commonly used in the treatment of otitis media. In addition, if there is a perforation of the eardrum, timely surgical treatment is required. During this period, ensure that the child gets plenty of rest and eats more vegetables and fruits.