My child, who is 11 months old, has had diarrhea for three consecutive days. The frequency was 2-3 times in the first two days, and 4-5 times today. The stools are loose and yellow, and the baby’s spirits are still good. There has been vomiting recently. What might be the cause and how should I handle it?
Infantile diarrhea may be due to indigestion or abdominal cold. The following measures are recommended:
- Keep the abdomen warm to prevent cold.
- Ensure the baby has enough water to prevent dehydration.
- Administer stomach-soothing medication such as Ji Nei Jin powder, Jian Pi powder, Simida, and Mami Ai, and use Ding Gui Er belly button patches. Observe the baby’s mental state and dietary habits. If symptoms do not improve or worsen, seek medical attention promptly.