
How can I ensure my child eats well and sleeps soundly? My child is one and a half years old, weighs slightly below average, and is also slightly shorter than the average height. There are still some developmental delays, such as not being able to walk independently or speak. Although calcium, zinc, and vitamin D supplements have been added, the absorption is not good. What should I do?


Firstly, it’s important to actively enhance the child’s nutrition by choosing easily digestible and chewable foods and appropriately increasing protein intake, especially animal protein. Avoid giving excessive amounts of fatty, overly acidic, or salty foods, as well as whole nuts, to prevent the risk of choking. For growing children, if the diet is normal and nutrition is balanced, there is no need for additional calcium supplements. If the child indeed lacks calcium, calcium supplements should be used under medical guidance and taken with vitamin D to promote calcium absorption. Additionally, it’s important to promptly detect and treat symptoms of calcium deficiency, such as crying at night, excessive sweating, decreased appetite, susceptibility to respiratory infections, anemia, and hair loss on the pillow.