
What are some good treatment methods for a small penis? There are adverse symptoms of long foreskin, past rescue situations and effects: temporarily no rescue, concerns for assistance: What causes it? What impact does it have on the child in the future? Do they need surgery?…


It’s possible that the child has not yet reached puberty and has not fully grown and developed. Long foreskin is an individual difference and may increase the risk of gynecological inflammation and penile cancer. If the foreskin is long but the foreskin opening is loose, meaning it can be flipped up and down, and there are conditions to clean it daily, and there is no balanoposthitis or obvious discharge, there is no major impact. Just make sure to clean it regularly. However, if there is frequent inflammation, even if it can be cleaned regularly, but it gets red and swollen, itches, and there is some discharge, it’s best to have surgery to remove the excess foreskin, allowing the glans to be exposed. This way, there won’t be a foreskin pouch for dirt to hide in, and inflammation won’t occur. After a circumcision procedure, there won’t be any more inflammation. Typically, surgery can be done after puberty. Currently, the surgery is a bit premature.