
How can a newborn be encouraged to drink breast milk?


For an 8-day-old newborn who is not interested in drinking breast milk due to jaundice issues, there is no effective method at this stage. Possible reasons include the newborn’s appetite being affected by previous blue light therapy, or the mother’s concern about insufficient milk supply leading her to give formula milk or glucose water, which can confuse the baby and make them prefer the easier bottle feeding. Since breastfeeding requires more effort and bottle feeding allows the baby to suckle easily due to gravity, the baby naturally prefers the easier feeding method. To address the issue of insufficient milk supply, it is recommended that the mother increase the frequency of breastfeeding to ensure the baby gets enough milk. At the same time, avoid giving formula milk or glucose water to prevent nipple confusion. For jaundice issues, if suspected to be related to breastfeeding, try temporarily stopping breastfeeding for one to two days to observe if the jaundice subsides. If the jaundice index decreases, it may indicate a relationship with breastfeeding. Another reason for persistent jaundice could be insufficient breastfeeding leading to reduced stool output in the baby, causing bilirubin not to be excreted through urine and feces.