
I discovered it the morning before yesterday. Facial paralysis is a common disease characterized by dysfunction of the facial expression muscles, with typical symptoms including drooping of the mouth and eyes. What methods are there for treatment?


Facial paralysis is a common disease characterized by dysfunction of the facial expression muscles, with typical symptoms including drooping of the mouth and eyes. Fangfeng Porridge is a commonly used treatment method. The recipe is as follows: 10 to 15 grams of Fangfeng, green onion stalks, and 30 to 60 grams of glutinous rice. First, boil Fangfeng and green onion stalks in water to extract the juice, strain it, and then mix it with glutinous rice to cook into a thin porridge. This formula has the effect of dispelling wind, relieving exterior syndrome, and dispelling cold. It is suitable for facial paralysis, muscle pain caused by wind-cold invasion.