
My daughter is now 7 years old and in first grade. Since the midterm exams, she hasn’t gone to school for two weeks. At home, she is lively and happy, but when it comes to going to school, she becomes silent and expressionless. We have tried many methods but none have worked. I asked her if she likes school, and she said she does, but when I asked why she doesn’t go, she said she’s scared, but doesn’t know what she’s afraid of. Sometimes she says she wants to go to school, but when she gets to the school gate, she refuses to enter and we have to go back home. I don’t know how to counsel her. When she’s happy, you can talk to her about anything and ask her to do anything, but as soon as the topic of school comes up, she seems like a different person and says nothing.


Hello, I suggest seeking help from a psychological counselor and maintaining good communication with your child. In terms of diet, it’s best to keep it light. You can also look for her interests and hobbies and communicate with her classmates and teachers.