
What are the symptoms and treatment methods for pediatric epilepsy? My child often sweats during afternoon naps and sometimes shakes his head without reason. He is now eight months old. Could these be symptoms of epilepsy? I want to know what specific symptoms there are.


It is likely that your child has epilepsy. During a pediatric epilepsy recurrence, consciousness is suddenly lost, and biting the tongue and incontinence may occur; then, rhythmic limb clonic convulsions may repeatedly occur, with frothing at the mouth; gradually, breathing returns to normal, the convulsions increase, and muscles become relaxed; afterwards, the child falls into a deep sleep, and upon waking, the general condition is usually good. During the recurrence interval, there are widespread spike discharges on the electroencephalogram (EEG), and during the recurrence, the EEG first shows fast waves, followed by repeated occurrences of widespread high-amplitude spike waves mixed with slow waves. Recommendation: It is best to consult a local regular hospital for a detailed examination and treatment after consultation, and to explore the lesion according to the patient’s condition for additional treatment.