
“My child is 2 years old and has been sweating excessively lately, often crying, and can start crying at any moment, with a face that can be torn apart faster than turning the pages of a book. They also do not sleep deeply and are easily startled. I suspect it might be rickets. So, I want to take them to the hospital for a check-up. Which department should I go to for rickets?”


“The excessive sweating and frequent crying in your baby may be caused by calcium deficiency. You can choose to take your child to a local regular hospital’s pediatric or orthopedic department for a follow-up visit, have blood tests for trace elements to get an accurate diagnosis. Today, you can give your child an adequate amount of vitamin D and calcium tablets under the doctor’s guidance. Don’t let your child stay at home all the time; take them outdoors to get some sun and engage in physical exercise to strengthen their constitution.”