
Which hospital is the best for treating glaucoma?


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that glaucoma is caused by wind, fire, phlegm, depression, and an imbalance of yin and yang, leading to disharmony of Qi and blood, obstruction of meridians, and an unsmooth flow in the eye’s minute spaces, thereby affecting vision. Treatment not only aims to cure the root cause but also focuses on constricting the pupil, clearing obstructions, and removing stagnation to stabilize symptoms and protect vision. Here are two dietary remedies: one involves boiling sheep liver, herba epimedii, and white chrysanthemum flowers into a soup for consumption, which has the effects of nourishing the liver and improving eyesight, as well as clearing wind and heat; the other involves boiling radix ophiopogonis, cow’s knee bone, fructus lycii, and semen cassiae into a decoction with honey added for consumption. Taking several doses consecutively can help improve the condition.