
Hello! After undergoing glaucoma surgery (trabeculectomy), I find that I see things as if through water, and my vision has decreased slightly, accompanied by mild orbital pain. Ten days have passed since the surgery, and my eyes still see things blurred. I am very worried. I have been following the doctor’s advice to drop eye drops and take medication every day. How should I assist in the recovery of my vision?


Hello, the symptoms you are experiencing after trabeculectomy are due to the aqueous humor in the anterior chamber passing through the trabeculae and flowing out. The complete recovery of your vision after surgery depends on the severity of your original glaucoma. Most importantly, after trabeculectomy, you need to persistently massage your eyes intermittently to ensure that the trabeculae are unobstructed, preventing further damage to your field of vision and vision due to increased intraocular pressure. I hope my explanation helps. Remember, it is crucial to keep up with the massage routine.