
What are the acupuncture prescriptions and principles for facial paralysis?


The acupuncture prescriptions for facial paralysis are: Yangbai, Sihai, Cangzhu, Xiajian, Quelshen, Juelshen, Ditan through Jiaocai, Hegu, and Zusanli. According to the condition, additional points include: Yingxiang if the nasolabial fold is flat; Zhong if the middle fold is flat; Chengguan if the lower lip fold droops; and Fengchi, Yiwan, and Weiguan if there is pain in the mastoid area. The principles are: Hegu and Zusanli are used to open the Yangming meridian to drive away wind from the face; Yiwan, Fengchi, and Weiguan are used to dispel wind from the Shaoyin meridian and promote blood circulation; Yangbai, Sihai, Cangzhu, Xiajian, Quelshen, Juelshen, Ditan, and Jiaocai are all local points used to open the meridians in the affected area.