
If a newborn’s jaundice level is measured as high, how should one handle it without affecting the baby’s growth and development?


Newborn jaundice occurs due to an elevated bilirubin level in the newborn’s body, resulting in yellowing of the skin, whites of the eyes, and mucous membranes. This condition typically appears within 2-3 days after birth, reaches its peak between 4-6 days, and gradually subsides after 7-10 days. Premature infants may experience jaundice for a longer duration. Most newborn jaundice is physiological and resolves on its own without special treatment. However, if the jaundice level is too high, it may indicate pathological jaundice, which requires immediate treatment. It is recommended for parents to take their baby to the hospital for a check-up to confirm the cause of the jaundice and rule out the possibility of pathological jaundice. The doctor will provide an appropriate treatment plan based on the examination results.