
What medications should be taken for viral hepatitis? I’ve been experiencing loss of appetite, nausea, dry heaves, abdominal swelling, and discomfort in the upper right abdomen for the past few days. After a thorough examination at the hospital, it was determined that I have viral hepatitis. What types of medications should I take to relieve the symptoms?


Currently, the treatment for viral hepatitis is generally based on antiviral therapy, which may include the use of glycyrrhizin disodium enteric-coated tablets for symptom relief. Depending on the patient’s condition, such as infections with hepatitis C or B, additional antiviral treatment medications may be prescribed. If infected with respiratory or intestinal viruses, additional antiviral treatments are also necessary to effectively control liver function and reduce liver damage. Viral hepatitis patients can take traditional Chinese medicine like Hubei pills for clearing heat, resolving liver issues, and invigorating the spleen. These have strong anti-inflammatory and liver-protective effects, as well as enzyme-lowering and antiviral properties, which help in turning negative the Australian Antigen (HbsAg). Patients with hepatitis should avoid taking any medications that could potentially harm the liver.