
I would like to ask about the treatment for pediatric facial palsy. I’ve had facial palsy for a year now, and now both sides of my face are uneven, with drooping lips and eyes watering… I’ve tried several methods, but the results haven’t been satisfactory. How is pediatric facial palsy treated?


Pediatric facial palsy typically presents with symptoms such as drooping corners of the mouth, drooling, tongue deviation, and decreased pain sensation. Treatment methods vary depending on the underlying cause. Cerebrovascular disease is the most common cause. For cerebral infarction, treatment involves the use of antiplatelet drugs, intravenous thrombolytic drugs, statins, drugs to stabilize the circulation, and antioxidants to eliminate free radicals. In cases of cerebral hemorrhage, emergency medication is required to control blood pressure and promote brain cell metabolism. Surgery may be necessary if needed.