
What is the pediatric bronchitis diet therapy recipe?


When children suffer from bronchitis, proper diet can play a supplementary therapeutic role. Here are some diet therapy suggestions:

  • Fresh lily glutinous rice porridge: clears the lungs and relieves asthma.
  • Turnip greens congee: cools and nourishes the blood.
  • Almond glutinous rice porridge: used with three duck pears, with the cores removed and sliced to extract juice.
  • Add the cooked glutinous rice to the pear juice and stir well before serving: clears the heart, moistens the lungs, and relieves restlessness.
  • Boil yam until tender, peel it, crush cooked millet, and grind almonds with their skins and tips removed into powder: benefits Qi and warms the middle, moisturizes, and is suitable for children with persistent coughs or those who frequently relapse.