
My son is just over 4 months old and has a sore throat, severe cough, and low-grade fever, diagnosed with tonsillitis. What dietary precautions should be taken during the treatment process?


When an infant is diagnosed with tonsillitis, in addition to seeking timely medical treatment, special attention should be paid to their diet. Here are several key points to consider:

  1. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits: Rich in vitamins, these can boost the infant’s immunity and help fight off infections. Opt for fruits with a neutral taste and slightly sweet flavors, such as apples and kiwis, and avoid overly cold fruits.
  2. Choose easily digestible foods: Cook porridge or soften noodles to make the food easy to chew and digest.
  3. Stay hydrated: Adequate fluids can help alleviate inflammation and accelerate recovery.
  4. Avoid irritant foods like mutton and dog meat: These foods may worsen the infant’s symptoms and should be avoided during treatment. In summary, during the treatment for tonsillitis, reasonable diet plays a crucial role in addition to the doctor’s treatment. Be sure to follow the doctor’s instructions while also paying attention to the infant’s diet; this will aid in their recovery.