A 10-year-old boy, in elementary school, has been tugging his ear and complaining of itching lately. It was found that the earwax is yellowish and purulent, accompanied by headaches and fever. How should the treatment for yellow earwax in pediatric otitis media be approached?
If a child has otitis media, antibiotic medication is the first-line treatment, and regional use of anti-inflammatory ear drops can also be considered. For children with severe ear pain, analgesics may be considered. If fever is present, parents can administer fever-reducing medication. In severe cases, medical attention should be sought promptly, and timely surgery may be required if there are multiple acute exacerbations or if there is already a tympanic membrane perforation. At the same time, it is important to provide the child with a light diet, increase nutritional supplementation, and help them recover sooner.