
Is a newborn’s jaundice level of 240 severe? The baby was just born around 7 days ago, but from two days ago, yellowish discolorations have appeared on his body again. Later, after a thorough examination at the hospital, it was found that his jaundice level had reached 240. How severe is this?


The severity of newborn jaundice primarily depends on when it recurs. If it appears within 72 hours after birth, it is considered more severe. At this point, it’s important to investigate the cause of the jaundice, which can be due to hemolytic jaundice, infectious jaundice caused by hepatitis, or jaundice due to bile duct obstruction and other diseases. Treatment should be based on the underlying cause and may include phototherapy. If the baby shows a level of 240 within three days of birth, it is not considered severe as it hasn’t exceeded the physiological range. Newborn jaundice refers to a condition where newborns have elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood due to poor bilirubin metabolism, characterized by yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclerae. It is one of the most common clinical diagnosis issues in newborns.