
How can one diagnose a baby with high fever accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite for neuroblastoma?


The pathological diagnosis of neuroblastoma primarily relies on tumor tissue biopsy. The detection of neuroblastoma cells in the bone marrow can also be used for confirmation. The immunohistochemical staining of the tumor usually shows positivity for neural cell-specific protein, neural-specific enolase, and synaptic vesicle protein. In addition, genetic testing such as MYCN amplification can provide prognostic information about treatment response and help formulate appropriate treatment plans. Neuroblastoma needs to be differentiated from other tumors such as renal cell carcinoma, lymphoma, retroperitoneal malignant teratoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma. Diagnosis can be confirmed by combining pathological examination with immunohistochemical staining. Moreover, neuroblastoma often accompanies symptoms such as anemia, bone pain, and fever, which need to be differentiated from leukemia. Diagnosis can be confirmed through bone marrow examination.