
The newborn is now about 7 days old and has a jaundice index of 240. Is this condition severe?


The severity of newborn jaundice depends on when it appears and the cause. If jaundice appears within 72 hours after birth, it may be more severe, and it is necessary to investigate the cause, such as hemolytic jaundice, infectious jaundice, or jaundice caused by liver disease. At this time, treatment should be based on the cause, and phototherapy or other treatments may be required. If the child develops jaundice 72 hours after birth and the index is 240, this is not severe within the physiological range. Newborn jaundice refers to the condition where the baby’s skin, mucous membranes, and sclera become yellow due to abnormal bilirubin metabolism after birth, which is one of the most common clinical problems in newborns.