I am 42 years old and have recently felt some discomfort in my body. Later, I found out it was facial paralysis. However, I have already undergone 8 days of acupuncture treatment, but there has been no improvement. What’s going on?
Based on your description, after 8 days of acupuncture treatment for facial paralysis, there has been no improvement. Possible reasons include recurrent facial paralysis, facial neuritis, immune system issues, and irregular daily life. These factors may cause further nerve damage, thereby delaying the recovery process. It is advisable not to worry too much. In terms of traditional Chinese medicine treatment for facial paralysis, early acupuncture and infrared therapy tend to yield better results. At the same time, attention should be paid to preventing facial colds, maintaining adequate rest, avoiding overtime work and excessive fatigue, and consuming light and nutritious food. I hope these suggestions will be helpful to you.