
My baby, who is 4 months old and exclusively breastfed, caught a cold half a month ago. He didn’t drink for about a week and then basically recovered. However, as soon as the weather changes, he starts to have a runny nose. What should I do for my 4-month-old baby who has a cold and cough?


The patient’s condition may be due to respiratory discomfort caused by infection, which can lead to coughing symptoms in addition to inflammation. Generally, when children catch a cold, which is known as upper respiratory tract infection in Western medicine, they will also experience coughing symptoms. At this time, it is necessary to relieve coughing, control inflammation, and manage infection. If the situation is severe, it may be necessary to give the baby some pear juice. If the condition does not improve, hospitalization for intravenous fluid administration may be required. It is recommended that parents always keep the indoor air circulating, encourage the baby to drink more water, observe the color of vomit and the sound of coughing, pay attention to staying warm, and change clothes promptly when they become damp with sweat.