
Why can’t facial palsy patients eat trigger foods?


Can facial palsy patients eat trigger foods? In daily life, patients with facial palsy should pay attention to the following: when going out, wear masks and scarves to avoid catching a cold; ensure adequate rest and sufficient sleep; during the acute phase, do not use hot water bottles to warm up, nor should you massage or knead the area yourself. Facial palsy (Bell’s palsy) is a condition caused by abnormal function of the facial nerve, leading to sudden weakness or paralysis of one side of the face. Common symptoms include crooked mouth and eyes, and patients often find it difficult to perform basic actions like raising eyebrows, closing eyes, or pursing lips. Facial palsy typically fully recovers within 1-6 months, with about 70%-85% of patients recovering completely or almost completely. If the condition persists for 6-12 months or longer, surgical intervention may be considered.