
My niece was born a month ago, and she has a bit of severe jaundice. The elders say it’s fine and it will go down in a few days, but now that she’s a full month old, it’s still the same. We went to the hospital for a detailed check-up, and the level was 9. Is this within the normal range?


A newborn should have their jaundice completely cleared by this time, with a specific measurement of less than 5 generally considered normal. If there is still jaundice, specific checks are needed to verify the cause of the jaundice, and the baby can typically take some jaundice-lowering medication orally, such as Huang Dan Chen Granules. If there is an elevated transaminase level and/or abnormalities in the five items of intrauterine virus tests, or if the baby’s general condition is poor, hospitalization may be required. Wishing the patient a speedy recovery!