Children are usually taken care of by their grandmothers in terms of daily living, diet, and rest. The other day, the grandmother went back to her hometown for a while and hasn’t returned yet. After school, the child suddenly developed a fever. I measured the temperature on his forehead with a thermometer, and it was around 39 degrees. What should I do with a 6-year-old child who has a high fever of 39 degrees?
If the baby has a high fever of 39 degrees, first check the child’s mental state. If they seem fine, it’s recommended to drink plenty of water to promote urination and gradually lower the body temperature. If the child is not feeling well, you can give them oral fever-reducing medication and encourage them to drink more water. Check if the child has any rashes, and enhance their care, ensuring a light diet. If the child’s fever recurs or persists despite treatment, or if they have a persistent high fever, it’s advisable to go to the hospital for a detailed examination and treatment.