
My baby has been particularly fussy today, crying constantly, especially at night when the crying becomes more severe. No matter how much we try to comfort them, it’s no use, and it’s keeping us awake. A friend noticed these symptoms and suggested that it might be pediatric kidney disease. What are the symptoms of pediatric kidney disease?


Hello, there can be various reasons for your baby’s crying, and not all are due to kidney disease. These can include hunger, excessive daytime sleepiness leading to a reluctance to take naps at night, or even a cold with fever, as well as poor nutrition, abdominal pain, and discomfort. The symptoms of pediatric kidney disease include general edema, listlessness, urine that appears milky or proteinuria, and an increase in usual urine output. If you’re not sure, it’s best to take your child to the pediatric department of a hospital for a check-up.