
Can acupuncture treat facial palsy? Sister Xiang recently may have developed facial palsy due to various factors such as life and stress, and despite taking many medications, there has been no improvement, so she decided to try acupuncture treatment. How long does a typical acupuncture session last, and can it stabilize the condition of facial palsy? Additionally, in daily life, what kind of diet should one be aware of to help enhance nutrition and stabilize the condition of facial palsy?


Facial palsy leads to muscle dysfunction in the patient’s face, accompanied by symptoms such as mouth distortion and eyes incline. Sister Xiang generally does not have age restrictions and does not come with other complications. During the illness, patients should pay attention to facial protection, avoid cold winds, do not go out for extended periods, and remember to wear masks. In daily life, it is important to maintain a light diet and pay attention to adjusting one’s emotions.