
A five-month-old male infant is experiencing a sore throat, severe coughing, and low-grade fever, and has been diagnosed with tonsillitis. During the treatment period, how should parents adjust the baby’s diet to help him recover?


When a baby has tonsillitis, the diet should primarily be light and easy to digest. Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals and can enhance the baby’s immunity, so it is encouraged to eat more of these. When choosing fruits, avoid those that are too cold. Fruits like apples and kiwis, which are neutral in nature, are better choices. Additionally, provide the baby with easily digestible foods such as congee and noodles. Foods that cause heat, such as beef and mutton, poultry eggs, seafood, as well as spicy, hot, and steamed dishes like hotpot should be avoided during this time. Cultivating good eating habits and avoiding picky eating can help ensure that the baby receives a balanced diet and reduce the likelihood of tonsillitis recurrence.