
Auntie has recently been feeling discomfort in her face and went to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor said she has facial paralysis. Auntie is not sure how to treat it. What are the symptoms and treatment methods for facial paralysis?


Common symptoms of facial paralysis include weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles, which may be accompanied by symptoms such as inability to close the eyelids or crooked lips. Treatment methods include acupuncture, massage therapy, and medication. Massage therapy can help alleviate muscle tension and promote blood circulation by massaging specific acupoints on the face and head, thus improving the symptoms of facial paralysis. Acupuncture treatment involves inserting needles at specific acupoints to stimulate nerve responses and promote recovery. Medication treatment is used to reduce inflammation and swelling, which can help accelerate recovery. It is recommended that patients seek professional medical diagnosis and treatment advice.