
The child might have caught a cold due to the change in weather and not wearing enough clothes, resulting in sweating and then sweating again, leading to nasal congestion. After giving the child cold medicine, the parent wants to serve lotus seed porridge to alleviate the cold symptoms. The question is whether it’s okay to eat lotus seed when suffering from a cold and cough.


It is recommended to take 999 Cold Medicine for wind-cold symptoms and VC Silver Floss for wind-heat symptoms. Meanwhile, drink plenty of water, get adequate rest, and consume light, easy-to-digest, nutritious foods. Avoid drinking alcohol, smoking, and eating spicy or irritating food. If there is a high fever, coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical attention. For infants prone to bronchiolitis, if there are symptoms such as a change in facial color, increased breathing rate, shoulders raised during inhalation, and depression of the lower chest wall during inhalation, timely hospital treatment should also be sought.