
A 6-year-old boy has been complaining of ear pain for the past few days, and occasionally, there is a yellowish fluid coming out. He has lost his appetite and is feeling very tired. How should we treat a child’s middle ear infection with purulent earwax?


The recommended treatment is to follow the doctor’s instructions and administer anti-inflammatory medication to the child. Parents can also use anti-inflammatory ear drops for localized treatment. If the child experiences severe pain, painkillers can be administered in moderation. If fever is present, fever-reducing medication can be given. In severe cases, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Middle ear infections can recur, and if there is a perforation of the eardrum, immediate medical treatment should be sought. It is advisable for parents to take the disease seriously, bring their child to a doctor promptly for treatment, and pay attention to relevant preventive and health care measures.