
A patient inquired about the treatment for glaucoma and mentioned a medical history of experiencing pain one to two times a year, with the frequency of attacks increasing. They often feel eye swelling and pain between 7 and 9 PM, accompanied by blurred vision and rainbow-like halos, which would resolve on their own after some time. The patient had visited a hospital for examination, where both intraocular pressure and fundus were found to be normal.


The doctor advised on the importance of rest and eye massage, while also inquiring about how to achieve better treatment outcomes and reduce the frequency of attacks. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that glaucoma is caused by wind, fire, phlegm, depression, and imbalance of yin and yang, leading to blockage of the meridians in the eyes, resulting in poor circulation of Qi, blood, and body fluids. Treatment should include eliminating the root cause, constricting the pupils, unblocking blood stasis, and alleviating symptoms to protect vision. Wishing the patient a swift recovery.