
My child (a 4-year-old boy) seems to have tonsillitis, with difficulty swallowing and a persistent high fever. What should I be cautious about in terms of diet?


When a child has tonsillitis, the following points should be considered in terms of diet:

  • Opt for light meals: Provide congee, noodles, and other easily digestible foods.
  • Increase intake of vegetables and fruits: Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins that help boost immunity. When choosing, avoid overly cold fruits, and apples, kiwis, etc., which are more neutral in nature, are better options.
  • Avoid irritant foods: Foods like beef, mutton, dog meat, and seafood may exacerbate symptoms and should be avoided as much as possible.
  • Cultivate good eating habits: In addition to food selection, it’s also important to help the child develop good eating habits.