How is hidden spinal bifida treated? A child with this condition experiences frequent urination and reduced urine volume. Although multiple urine tests have shown no abnormalities, an incomplete closure of the vertebral plate was found during a 2009 examination. Currently, there is no medication treatment, and only attention diversion can be used to reduce the urge to urinate. The problem of frequent urination at night before bedtime is severe, and it is accompanied by constipation. Is it related to the illness? Are there any other suggestions or treatment methods?
Hidden spinal bifida refers to a condition where the vertebral plates of the spine are not fully closed along the midline, creating a gap but without causing obvious symptoms. For the issue of frequent urination, it is recommended to try adjusting diet and bladder control training methods. Constipation may be related to dietary habits or lack of exercise, which can be alleviated by improving diet and increasing physical activity. Additionally, maintaining observation and regular follow-up checks to ensure that the gap does not expand or cause other problems are also necessary.