
The child developed low-grade fever and pneumonia after catching a cold at school and was hospitalized. They’ve been on intravenous drip treatment for two days, and the inflammation has been mostly controlled. The doctor said that if the fever subsides, they can be discharged. I’m wondering how to properly care for a child with pneumonia?


The child has been hospitalized with pneumonia and is currently on intravenous treatment for two days. It’s crucial to take good care of the child. Mainly, observe the temperature changes closely, give the child plenty of nutritious porridge like millet congee, and also serve some light soups. Pay attention to a balanced diet of meat and vegetables. Control the indoor humidity and temperature to be comfortable. After the fever subsides and sweating occurs, dry off the sweat promptly, and encourage drinking warm water. Consume fresh vegetables and fruits to aid digestion and hydration. You can also make some rock sugar pear syrup, which has the effect of nourishing the lungs and cooling the blood.