
My nephew is being fostered by my brother and sister-in-law in my home, temporarily cared for by me and my mother. Recently, my mother has had some things to attend to with her friends, so she has handed over the major responsibility of taking care of my little nephew entirely to me. I haven’t taken care of a child before, and in the two days I’ve been taking care of him, my little nephew caught a cold. I took him to see a pediatrician for cough and cold, but he hasn’t gotten better yet.


The situation you described may be caused by an upper respiratory tract infection, which is usually caused by pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, it is recommended to take oral medication under the doctor’s guidance, and if the symptoms are severe, intravenous fluid therapy may be required. The main treatment goal is to prevent complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia. In addition, making sure the child drinks plenty of water, stays warm, avoids catching a cold, and usually the course of the disease lasts about one week to 10 days. Moreover, consuming appropriate amounts of vegetables and fruits can also help in the complete recovery of the illness.