
My daughter is five years old, and I recently noticed that she is much heavier than other children her age. She seems to have no self-control when eating and doesn’t like to exercise. What should I do if my 5-year-old child is overweight and refuses to eat vegetables?


When a child shows signs of obesity, parents can take the following steps to help control their child’s weight and improve their dietary habits:

  1. Encourage more physical activity: Swimming can be a good option, as the water resistance during swimming is greater than that of air resistance during land-based activities, making it more effective for fat burning.
  2. Adjust the dietary structure: It’s recommended to increase the intake of high-fiber foods like spinach and carrots, while reducing the intake of high-calorie foods such as peanuts and hamburgers. Strictly control your child’s diet to avoid overeating.
  3. Regular health check-ups: If the child’s obesity is severe, it’s important to take them to the hospital for a check-up promptly, to identify the cause of obesity and receive appropriate treatment. In summary, parents should pay more attention to their child’s physical condition, develop healthy eating and exercise habits, and aim for weight control and improved obesity management.