
Persistent diarrhea in children can lead to enteritis, and not only that, it can also cause body dehydration. Since children are young, they may also experience nausea and vomiting, which can lead to redness and pain around the anus. It is recommended to give children a lot of pediatric probiotics to nourish the gastrointestinal tract, or to take pediatric anti-diarrheal medication. If breastfeeding, mothers should pay attention to eating warm and mild foods, avoiding cold and irritating foods to prevent affecting the child.


Persistent diarrhea in children may lead to enteritis and result in body dehydration. It is recommended to give children a lot of pediatric probiotics to nourish the gastrointestinal tract, or to take pediatric anti-diarrheal medication. If breastfeeding, mothers should pay attention to eating warm and mild foods, avoiding cold and irritating foods to prevent affecting the child.