
What dietary precautions should be taken for phenylketonuria?


For infants and young children with phenylketonuria, the following dietary considerations should be noted:

  1. During breastfeeding, low-phenylalanine hydrolysate protein can be used to substitute breast milk or formula milk. If formula milk is used, the daily intake should not be less than 250 grams. At the same time, foods such as lotus root powder, vegetable water, and vegetable puree can be provided.
  2. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be consumed in abundance, as these foods are rich in vitamins. Examples include eggplant, scallions, persimmons, cabbage, cauliflower, and rapeseed.
  3. Edible oils include lard, butter, cream, vegetable oils, and sesame paste. Other foods such as honey, sucrose, and candy can also be consumed.
  4. Sufficient fat and carbohydrates should be supplied to ensure the body’s energy needs. Foods such as wheat bran, starch, lotus root powder, potato flour, starch noodles, rice paper, jelly, pumpkin, lotus root, carrots, and yams can be used. These foods contain lower levels of phenylalanine and are suitable for individuals with phenylketonuria.