
My son is 8 years old. Lately, he has been complaining of ear pain, and occasionally, there is also a yellowish fluid discharge. Additionally, he seems to have little appetite and is quite weak. How should a child with tonsillitis and an itchy ear be treated?


To effectively treat middle ear infection, it’s advisable to choose symptomatic medications with anti-inflammatory properties under a doctor’s guidance. Additionally, regional treatments can be administered, such as using anti-inflammatory ear drops for the child. If the child experiences severe pain in the ear, some painkillers can be given in appropriate amounts. If the child also has a fever, some antipyretic medication can be taken. However, if the fever persists, it is essential to seek medical attention promptly. If severe symptoms such as perforation of the eardrum occur, immediate hospital treatment and surgery may be necessary. During treatment, it’s important to maintain a light diet, with a focus on liquid foods.