
A 2-year-old boy, these days, the child has been scratching his ears and complaining of itching. In the morning, the earwax is a bit thick and yellowish, and there is a buzzing sound in his ear. He also has a slight fever. How should a child with purulent otitis media be treated effectively?


When treating such diseases, you can give the child some symptomatic antibiotic medications. Regional drug treatment can be used, such as using anti-inflammatory ear drops for treatment. You can also administer painkillers based on the child’s condition, especially when the ear pain is severe, which can help alleviate pain. If the child has a particularly severe fever accompanied by symptoms, it is appropriate to use some antipyretic drugs in moderation. If the condition is severe, medical attention should be sought as soon as possible. Otitis media is characterized by recurrent attacks. If there is a situation of tympanic membrane perforation, immediate medical treatment is required. During treatment, it is also important to pay attention to giving the child a light diet and enhancing nutritional supplementation to help recover as soon as possible.