
I started feeling a sore mouth four days ago, with red spots on my hands and feet. I haven’t had a fever yet, but two days later, I started running a fever again. I went to the hospital yesterday and got an intravenous drip, and the fever went down, but it started again this afternoon. Hi, is this serious? How can I prevent it?


Preventive measures for hand, foot, and mouth disease include disinfecting contaminated daily items and utensils, soaking the child’s feces and excretions in 3% sodium hypochlorite solution, drying clothes in the sun, maintaining good ventilation indoors; during outbreaks, pay attention to environmental and food safety as well as personal hygiene; wash hands before meals and after using the toilet to prevent infection from entering through the mouth; try to reduce taking children to crowded places to avoid infection; pay attention to the nutrition and rest of infants and young children, avoiding overexertion. If you suspect your child is infected, isolate and treat them promptly. It is recommended that parents take their children to a specialist for a follow-up consultation and treatment under the doctor’s guidance.