
My child often experiences pain in their lower legs when they sleep at night. Recently, they had a knee joint pain in the middle of the night. I would like to inquire about the treatment methods for growth pains.


It is recommended to check the levels of trace elements such as calcium in the body to see if there is a deficiency, especially for children and adolescents who are in the stage of growth and development. They should consume foods rich in calcium on a daily basis, such as milk, eggs, seaweed, nori, and sesame paste, which can meet the body’s calcium needs and promote normal bone growth, preventing deformation. Growth pains can have a significant impact on children, so it is advisable for family members to take the child to a specialist for a follow-up examination and receive treatment under the guidance of a doctor. In daily life, it is important to provide enough care and attention to the child and pay attention to their dietary issues, hoping that they can recover quickly.