
A 9-year-old boy has been rubbing his ears and complaining of a bit of itching over the past few days. His earwax is thick and yellow, and he has a loss of appetite and a sore throat. How should mucopurulent otitis media in children be treated?


Based on the child’s symptoms, symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication should be administered, and regional treatment can be carried out, such as using anti-inflammatory ear drops. If the child has severe symptoms of ear pain and purulent discharge, some painkillers may be recommended to alleviate the symptoms. If there is a fever, antipyretic medication can be taken. In serious cases, it is advisable to seek medical attention early. Typically, treatment for otitis media involves these methods, and if an eardrum perforation occurs, surgical treatment may be required. During this period, ensure the child gets plenty of rest and consumes more fruits and vegetables.