
My husband has intellectual disability and oligospermia. I want to ask, can having sex before and after artificial insemination with the hospital-bought sperm reduce the chances?


Your description mainly points to kidney deficiency as the cause. I suggest you can take Guizhi Dihuang Wan and Liuwei Dihuang Wan for symptomatic nourishment, which has been quite effective. Also, it’s recommended to exercise more, eat more yin-nourishing and kidney-tonifying foods, such as goji berries. It’s not a bad idea to have soups cooked with goji berries regularly. Besides, it’s crucial to have a nutritious breakfast every day. Children threatened by intellectual disability should be taken to a doctor immediately for treatment. Prevent blind using small advertisement drugs and ensure proper medication. For parents, timely attention to their child’s condition is essential. They should do their best to help their children receive timely treatment for their diseases.