
Diagnosed with glaucoma in the right eye in March 2013 and underwent laser surgery. Post-surgery, I used ocular pressure-lowering medications, maintaining the pressure between 16-22. Initially, my vision improved, but in 2015, I was diagnosed with optic nerve atrophy. I tried using a compound corydalis injection for acupoint therapy, but it was ineffective. In 2016, my vision began to gradually deteriorate, and I currently have only intermittent light perception. Besides the inability to fully recover my vision, what other treatment options are available?


Optic nerve atrophy is one of the late-stage symptoms of glaucoma, and there is currently no effective treatment method. Once vision loss is caused by glaucoma, it is difficult to improve vision through treatment. For the already incurred visual impairment, the focus of treatment is usually on slowing down the progression of the disease and protecting the remaining vision. It is recommended that patients undergo regular ophthalmic examinations and use medications or receive necessary treatments as prescribed by their doctors. At the same time, patients should be mindful of controlling potential risk factors, such as diabetes, to mitigate further impact on their vision.